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【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本 【授权委托书】英文版授权委托书样本 授权书(或授权委托书)在英文中有两种形式,即Letter of Authorization (LOA) 和 Power of Attorney (POA),而且英文授权书在使用上是有一些区别的。一般来说,Letter of Authorization比较通用,几乎可以用于各种形式和各种需求时的授权;而Power of Attorney的使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师(Attorney)。 在招标投标书翻译时,一般应选用Letter of Authorization。


I, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the Company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the Company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. And I acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative. It is hereby authorized.

Name of the Company: (official seal)

Legal representative: (signature)

Authorized representative: (signature)





本授权委托书声明:我 (姓名) 系 (投标单位名称)的法人代表,现授权委托 (单位名称)的 (姓名)为我公司代理人,以本公司的名义参加 工程项目的投标活动。代理人在开标、评标、合同谈判过程中所签署的一切文件和处理与之有关的一切事务,我均予以承认。 代理人: 性别: 年龄:

单 位: 部门: 职务:


投标单位: (盖章)

法定代表人: (签字或盖章)

日期 年 月 日 金融英语考试授权委托书中英模板

授 权 委 托 书

现授权 先生代表我(公司)全权办理在昆山市 设立 之相关审批事宜。授权时间至申办之公司取得工商部门核发的营业执照之日为止。上述受权人在授权范围内签署的有关文件我(公司)均予承认。




年 月 日

Power of Attorney

This is to authorize ____________to be the attorney of me (“__________”) to

execute any and all instruments for the purpose to complete the necessary registration for the establishment and operation of ______________________ in New and Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone of Kunshan City. This power of Attorney shall come into effect from the date of execution and remain effective until the date when the business license of ________________is issued. I recognize the documents executed by the

Attorney on behalf of me within the scope of authorization.

Company: __________

Signed by: ________________







Authorization Letter付款委托书英文版。

Hereof, Mr. / Ms _______________is authorized by __________ for the Land

Auction _______________________, Yushan Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province in China.

Legal Representative:




涉外法律实务中经常要用的好资料:授权委托书(中英文对照 珍藏版)

在法律英语中,Power of Attorney和Proxy 均可用作表示授权的委托书,区别在于Power of Attorney所指的被委托人应为律师,即具有律师身份,而Proxy则无此种要求,即被委托人一般不需具备律师身份。



I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my

attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.


Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__

STATE OF__(9)__ (签名处)

COUNTY OF__(10)__





BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__

(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.



WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__. 于20__年__月__日签字盖章,特此为证。



2010-3-25 17:55:29

委托单位 全权委托被委托

人 先生(女士)在上海申办投资企业的一切手续,有权代表上述委托单位签署项目建议书、工商名称登记、可行性研究报告、合同、章程等建办新公司的有关法律文件。

(trustor)_________________________________give his carte blanche to _______________________(trustee) to deal with all the procedure of applying the enterprise invested in Pudong. He has authority to stand for the above-mention company to sing Project Proposal, Industrial and Commercial Name Registration, Feasibly Study Report, contract, Constitution and other legal documents for establishing the new company.


Chop of the trustor:


Signature of the trustee:

被委托人身份: Indentity of the trustee:

被委托人身份证复印件:ID copy of the trustee:付款委托书英文版。

年 月Date: 日


The Letter of Authorization

I, ZHANG San, of (社区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), hereby appoint LI Si (Passport No. XXXXXX), my mother, of (小区栋数), (社区名称拼音,首字母大写),(区县)(市), to act in my capacity to do every act of that I may do to take full responsibility of my daughter WANG Wu (Passport No.XXXX). This power shall be in full force and effect on the date from(旅游入境、出境时间)during their visit to(旅游地).

The relationship of my mother, my daughter and myself can be certified by the attached Household Register.

By (委托人姓名)ZHANG San


(Signature to be authorized)

(被委托人姓名)LI Si

July 7, 2014



委 托 书

I, _____________________(Name), Passport/Identity Card

本 人, (姓名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码

兹 委 托 (姓名)

护 照/身 份 证 号 码

代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取

my visa application

我 的 签 证 申 请。

on my behalf.

___________________ ____________

Signature of Applicant Date

申 请 人 签 名 、加盖企业公章 日 期





工作单位: 职 务:



工作单位: 职 务:


兹委托 在北京市食品药品监督管理局 处(分局)办理 事宜。




□4、签收 批件的权利。

□5、其他权利 。

委托期限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

(委托人单位公章) 被委托人:

年 月 日 年 月 日








3、“兹委托 ③ 事宜。”





“签收 批件的权利”,在横线上填写需领取的证件、批件或有关材料名称,如“《药品生产许可证》正本、副本”。




示 范


(Administrative license items)


Work unit: Duty:

Phone number:


Work unit: Duty:

Phone number:

At present consign _______ ______ to transact ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ matters concerned at the ______ ______ department (substation), Beijing Drug Administration (BDA).

Scope of authority:

□1、Be entitled to accept the executive notification pursuant to law.

□2、Be entitled to submit、 correct 、redress、 reinforce application materials on consignor’s behalf.

□3、Be entitled to state and defend in the administrative license censoring on consignor’s behalf.

□4、Be entitled to sign & accept authorized document(s) like ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ________.

□5 、Any other entitlement(s) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.

Term of consignation:


(the official seal of consignor’s work unit)

Annotation: mark“√” in the □ before the consigned authority, otherwise, mark “×”.


(Administrative license items)

Consignor:Xx Li

Work unit:Co. xx Duty:General manager

Phone number:

Consignee: Xx Luo

Work unit:Co. xx Duty:Business personnel Phone number:

At present consign _ xx Luo_ to transact altering legal representative of Medical Devices Distribution Enterprise License matters concerned at the Accepting department (substation), Beijing Food

Scope of authority:

、Be entitled to accept the executive notification pursuant to law.

、Be entitled to submit、 correct 、redress、 reinforce application materials on consignor’s behalf.

、Be entitled to state and defend in the administrative license censoring on consignor’s behalf..

、Be entitled to sign & accept authorized document(s) like: original and duplicate of Medical Devices Distribution Enterprise Any other entitlement(s) .

Term of consignation: January 20,2005 - January 22 , 2005

Consignee: Xx Luo

(’s work unit)

January 20 , 2005

Annotation: mark“√” in the □ before the consigned authority, otherwise, mark “×”.

Instruction to fill in the Authorization

1、If the applicant/transactor isn’t the legal representative or isn’t the principal, he/she must have the Authorization consigned by the legal representative/the principal qualifying the consignee’s authority, to apply administrative licenses matters in Beijing Drug Administration(BDA)

The applicant transacts relevant matters in the Accepting Hall of BDA, with the Authorization, if necessary.

2、Fill in the name of the legal representative or the principal in the “consignor” item; Fill in the name of the transactor in the “consignee” item.

Fill in the following items by the very fact.

3、At present consign ______①______ to transact ____②_matters concerned at the ③___department( substation), Beijing Food and Drug Administration(BDA).

①: the name of the consignee.

②: concrete matters to be handled, such as “drug supply license”.

③: the corresponding responsible department, such as “Acceptance Department”、“Drug Registration Department”、“Drug Safety and Inspection Department”、“Medical Devices Department”etc.

4、“Scope of authority”, according to exact authorized situation, mark “√” in the “□” before authorized items and mark “×” if unauthorized.

“Be entitled to sign & accept authorized document(s) like ______”, fill in the name of the certificate(s)、authorized document(s) and/or relevant material(s) above the underline, such as“original、duplicate of the Drug Manufacturing Certificate”.

5、(the official seal of consignor’s work unit): “to affix the official seal of

consignor’s work unit”

Consignee:“signed by the personnel who hand affairs practically (contractor)”

6、While handling drug registration items, if the consigners outnumber 2, they must list their individual information respectively and sign and affix their official seals where needed.



KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS,my name, place and stead, and on my behalf, and for my use and benefit,in the following matter(s):

1. To ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all manner of goods, chattels, debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever, due or/and owing, or belonging to me, and to make, give and execute acquaintances, receipts, satisfactions or other discharges for the same, whether under seal or otherwise;

2. To make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver in my name or in the name of my aforesaid attorney all checks, notes, drafts, warrants, acknowledgments, agreements and all other instruments in writing, of whatever nature, as to my said attorney-in-fact may seem necessary to conserve my interests;

3. To execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all contracts, debts, leases, assignments of mortgage, extensions of mortgage, satisfactions of mortgage, releases of mortgage, subordination agreements and any other instrument of agreement of any kind or nature whatsoever, in connection therewith, and affecting any and all property presently mine or hereafter acquired, located anywhere, which to my said attorney-in-fact may seem necessary or advantageous for my interests;

4. To enter into and take possession of any lands, real estate, tenement, houses, stores or buildings, or parts thereof, belonging to me that may become vacant or unoccupied, or to the possession of which I may be or may become entitled, and to receive and take for me and in my name and to my use all or any rents, profits or issues of any real estate to my belonging, and to let the same in such manner as to my attorney shall seem necessary and proper, and from time to time to renew leases;

5. To commence, and prosecute in my behalf, and suits or actions or other legal of equitable proceedings for the recovery of any of my lands or for any goods, chattels, debts, duties, demand, cause or thing whatsoever, due or to become due or belonging to me, and to prosecute, maintain and discontinue the same, if he or she shall deem proper;

6. To take all steps and remedies necessary and proper for the conduct and management of my business affairs, and for the recovery, receiving, obtaining and holding possession of any lands, tenements, rents, or real estate, goods, and chattels, debts, interest, demands, duties, sum or sums of money or any other thing


whatsoever, located anywhere, that is, are or shall be, by my said attorney-in-fact, thought to be due, owing, belonging to or payable to me in my own right or otherwise;付款委托书英文版。

7. To appear, answer and defend in all actions and suits whatsoever that shall be commenced against me and also for me and in my name to compromise, settle and adjust, with each and every person or persons, all actions, accounts, dues and demands, subsisting or to subsist between me and them or any of them, and in such manner as my said attorney-in-fact shall think proper; herby giving to my said attorney power and authority to do, execute and perform and finish for me and in my name all those things that shall be expedient and necessary, or which my said attorney shall judge expedient and necessary in and about or concerning the premises, or any or them, as fully as I could do if personally present, herby ratifying and confirming whatever my said attorney shall do or cause to be done in, about or concerning the premises and any part thereof.

The instrument shall be construed and interpreted as a general power of attorney.

The enumeration of specific items, rights or powers herein shall not limit or restrict, and is not to be construed or interpreted as limiting or restricting, the general powers herein granted to said attorney-in-fact.

The rights, powers and authority of said attorney-in-fact granted in this instrument and authority shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until I give notice in writing that such power is terminated.

It is my desire, and I so freely state, that this power of attorney shall not be affected by my subsequent disability or incapacity. Furthermore, upon a finding of incompetence by a court of appropriate jurisdiction, this power of attorney shall be irrevocable until such time as said court determines that I am no longer incompetent. (signature) having been duly qualified according to the law, do hereby acknowledge that I signed and executed this power of attorney; that I am of sound mind; that I am eighteen(18) years of age or older; that I signed it willingly and am under no constraint or undue influence; and that I signed it as my free and voluntary act for the purpose therein expressed.




Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Pdf. Copyright 2002-2014 Aspose Pty Ltd.

Entrust letter of customs declaration



Our company now delegates your company as agent with_____(A.customs declaration and inspection;

B. prepay duty and tax; C.apply with declaration form approved by customs; D.apply with customs

handbook; E.cancellation of customs handbook; F.apply with tax reduction or exemption; G.others)______

(A.by shipment; B. in long term) , see details in the Agreement of Declaration Delegation.

Our company guarantees the compliance with the Customs Law and the relevant regulation in PRC, as

well as the truth, completeness,consistency of the information we provide. Otherwise, we will take the

responsibility of relevant regulation stipulate.

The period of the validity of this entrustment will be from the date signed to DD/MM/YYYY.

Authorizing party (stamp)

Sign of Legal representative or the authorized people:


Agreement of Declaration Delegation

In order to specify the delegation affairs and responsibility of both sides, both sides agree with the entrustment as below with fair negotiation:


Name of goods

HS code

Date of import/export

Bill of lading No.

received document

Mode of trade

Country of Origin


Other requirements: Fee of declaration Description of guarantee: Customs Handbook□ import/export license□ Other RMB: Yuan □□□□□□□□□□ DD/MM/YYYY Consignee *Declaration form No. No. Date of receiving documents DD/MM/YYYY Contract□ Packing list□ Invoice□ bill of lading□

The general term listed in the back side is indivisible of this

Aggreement, the sigature on this Aggreement consitutes the

aggreement with the general term. The general term listed in the back side is indivisible of this Aggreement, the sigature on this Aggreement consitutes the aggreement with the general term.

Sign and stamp by consignor:

Sign and stamp by operator

Telephone: DD/MM/YYYY Sign and stamp by consignee: Sign and stam by customs declarer: Telephone: DD/MM/YYYY

Supervised and Manufactured by China Customs Brokers Association

(White copy kept by Customs, Yellow copy kept by consignee, Red copy kept by consignor)
