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故事的大概是这样的:幸运女神忽然降临在孤女茱蒂身上,因为她写的一篇文章,孤儿院的一位匿名理事愿意资助她上大学,并培育她成为作家。茱蒂没有见过这位以恶作剧地称他为“长腿叔叔”。作为要求,理事让茱蒂每个月都要给他写信汇报生活的点滴,并声明不会回信。 于是,茱蒂以幽默逗趣而又真情流露的笔调,开始写信给心目中的“长腿叔叔”,并付予心灵的寄托。后来,当她明白永远得不到“叔叔”的回音时,就开始有了抱怨和不以为然。直到当她爱上杰出的杰维少爷时,她才又将“长腿叔叔”作为倾诉的对象„„正当她考虑向杰维表达爱意的时候,她的“长腿叔叔”终于露面了,而且他竟然就是茱蒂深爱着的杰维少爷...... 整本书的主要内容是茱蒂写给“长腿叔叔”的八十四封信,读这些信,我发现茱蒂真的是个可爱的姑娘。最令我难忘的是,茱蒂是那样的简单和纯洁,她不会向长腿叔叔隐瞒什么,好消息或者坏消息,自己的长处或者缺点;每一个小小愿望的满足,每一些知识的获得,都会给她带来巨大的快乐。我就被她的似乎“幼稚”的话给深深吸引了,可能是我也渴望这种简单、直接和风趣的生活吧!






“相信童话”,著名的儿童文学作家、评论家梅子涵如是说。美丽的童话与美丽的心灵有关,它微笑着在善良的茱蒂身上绽放。 “善有善报”,我一直任性地坚信着这句土不拉机的话。










The Reading Response for Daddy Long Legs

Several days ago, I finished my reading of the book Daddy Long Legs. It was written by the American writer Jane Webs. The whole story is conprise of letters, which caught my attention in the first place. After reading the story twice, I want to share some feelings with you here and likeswise, I would show you some details of the novel in the following paragraphs.

The leading girl of Daddy Long Legs was named Jerusha Abbott which she later changed into Judy herself. Judy was an orphan in John Grier Home. She had to do mountains of works there and couldn’t go outside like the other girl. However, a Trustee of John Grier Home promised to send Judy to university for she had once written an outstanding article. Moreover, the Trustee would also offer a fix amount of money to her once a month. Judy had a wonderful time in college and fell in love with the uncle of her roommate. Nevertheless, she refused to marry the man because of her though that he deserves a better girl. Finally, with a broken heart, she told the affair to her Daddy- Long-Legs yet suddenly been informed the facts that the man she loves with all her heart was her dear Mr.Daddy.

Why the girl calls the her benefactor Daddy- Long-Legs? I believe you might wonder it. The answer lies in the figure of the man. Before she

was given the chance of going to school, she happen to meet the benefactor in the asylum but just from behind. As she recalled it later, she only remember his long legs. Now that the man refused to give her his true name, she addressed him in her own way as Daddy- Long-Legs in her letters.

From the story above, we could see that Judy is a nature and optimistic girl. She could crack a joke even with a stranger who she regarded as an elder. Although she grown up in an asylum, she tries hard to searcher the bright side of life and enjoy the sunsight every day. She relished telling everything to her Daddy- Long-Legs. She was such a plain girl that she never worried that her Daddy may get angry.

Some people say it’s a love story like a fairy tale for adults. Even though Judy and her benefactor love each other, she turned down her proposal for she belived she did not deserve his love. However, I don’t share the same idea with the girl. In my point of view, she should never deny the opportunity of pursuing true love. Love, which exists around us without reason, gives every human being the equal right to process it. In addition, whether a girl is qualified or not is depends on the mind of the beholder. We all have the choice and chance to pursue ourselves’ true love no matter who we are , after all, love is what really counts.






比如有一次,杰露莎想在暑假里跟同学一起去营地度假,但是古怪的“长腿叔叔”命令她只能像去年一样回洛克威洛农庄。杰露莎在信中勃然大怒:“您无情的命令深深地刺伤了我„„ 被独裁、专横、不讲道理、无所不能却又看不见、摸不着的上帝捡起来,再被他指挥得团团转,是多么的屈辱啊!„„”



有什么比读到那样可爱的文字更令人开心呢?所以,最幸福的并不是孤儿杰露莎,而是能经常收到她信件的“长腿叔叔”。读这本书时的我,就成了那个幸福的“长腿叔叔”,读着杰露莎的信,感受着杰露莎的快乐和成长。 《长腿叔叔读后感——我最喜欢的一本书》

《长腿叔叔》读后感 陈佳妮

[《长腿叔叔》读后感 陈佳妮]

在这个寒假里,我读了两本老师推荐的书,其中一本的名字就叫《长腿叔叔》,《长腿叔叔》读后感 陈佳妮。



本来让我感触深的应该是她们的爱情,不过在这部小说里,我感触更深的,却不是他们的爱情,而是乔若莎看待生活的态度,读后感《《长腿叔叔》读后感 陈佳妮》。对于长腿叔叔选择了她提供资助,她却是这么想的:“我曾经为自己被剥夺了所有其他女孩子的童年而满怀怨恨。”很多时候我们很少能为别人着想。而对于同室的两个女孩,一个拥有很多钱,一个拥有幸福的家庭,对于长腿叔叔提供给她的优越的条件,她说:“您不该让我养成过奢侈生活的习惯。从未拥有过的东西,就不会去想;...与莎莉和茱莉亚住在一起,对我的简单生活就是一种挑战。她们都从襁褓时就拥有这一切,并且认为是理所当然的事情。对她们来说,一切想要的东西都是世界所欠的。...至于我,世界什么都不欠我的,一开始就毫不含糊地告诉了我这点。我无权赊欠....”“成年以后,我对世界的认识将是那些家境优越的姑娘所缺乏的。”“我看到很多女孩子,(例如茱莉亚)永远都不知道什么叫快乐。她们已太习惯于这样的感觉了,感官已麻木,而我却很确信自己对生命中的每一刻都感到很快乐。将来不管发生何等不愉快的事情,我都会感觉到自己是幸福的。我会把所有的不幸(即使是牙疼)都视为有趣的经历,乐于去体验它的感觉。任凭风云变幻,我将直面一切。”我对自己拥有的一切都认为是理所当然的了,如果我一开始就被告之,我父母的东西都不是我的,我成年后父母就再也不给我提供一分一毫。那么我就会老实点了。


《长腿叔叔》读后感-- 季子渊

[《长腿叔叔》读后感-- 季子渊]


她,是一个各科成绩都格外优秀的女孩;她,是孤儿院中唯一一个考上大学的孩子;她,又是一个笑的像阳光一样灿烂的向日葵······她是谁?他就是我们亲爱的茱蒂小姐,《长腿叔叔》读后感-- 季子渊。就在这个寒假,我带着满怀的好心情走进了她,走进了《长腿叔叔》

这篇文章的主要内容是这样的:一位孤儿院长大的女孩茱蒂,被一个长腿先生送去上大学,开始了她全新的学习和生活。茱蒂每月会寄一份信给长腿叔叔,但当她渐渐明白了自己的信永远不会有回音时,她内心叛逆的种子又蠢蠢欲动了,读后感《《长腿叔叔》读后感-- 季子渊》。直到遇到杰夫,她才再度将长腿叔叔当成倾诉对象。从封闭的环境来到多彩的世界。正当她考虑和杰夫表达爱的告白时,长腿叔叔终于露面了,而且竟然是——杰夫……



长腿叔叔读后感英文版reading report

Reading Report

Name of book:


Writer’s name:


Date of publishing:

August 2009

Version of the book:

The second

Publishing house:

China international broadcast publishing house

Key information about the writer:长腿叔叔读后感300字。

She was MARK TWAIN’s grandniece, most of her novels were about orphans. the most famous novel of them is <DEDDY-LONG-LEGS>,which was written in 1912.It was translated in many kinds of languages all over the world.

Type of the text:

Romantic love story , also about growing.

Background of the story:

It began in JOHN GRIER HOME.

Main characters and brief introduction:

Character 1: JERUSHA ABBOTT. she was an orphan in JOHN

GRIER HOME, a smart, natural and independent girl.

Character 2:JERVIE PLENDLETON (DEDDY-LONG-LEDS):A man who was kind, simple and cute, though he was a member of PLENDTETON, he just like a big boy.

Character 3: SALLIE MCBRIDE: the best friend of JERUSHA, a warm-hearted and kind girl.

Character 4: JULIA PLENDLETON: A rich and proud girl from PLENDLETON, who never tried to be kind to others, but she also a friend of JERUSHA.


JERUSHA grown up in JOHN GRIER HOME, she had to do so many works even she was so young, she never went out of JOHN GRIER HOME, also she couldn’t enjoy the happiness of family as other girls. but one day, a trustee who named himself JOHN SMITH, would send her to college because her outstanding articles, and she just should do was writing a letter to he once a month. JERUSHA didn’t know who he was, the only thing she know about he was that he was a long-legd man, so she called him DEDDY-LONG-LEGS. then she began a new life in college that she never dreamed and learned everything that she never heard about. she wrote everything about her life, feelings even new clothes to her DEDDY, she assumed he was her family member. JERUSHA met JEVIE who came to saw

niece and fell love in with each other, but she refused to marry him because of his proud family. JEVIE was caught out all night in a storm when he was hunting in CANADA and being ill heavily, JERUSHA was so worried about him, she wrote to DEDDY to asked how to do about it, DEDDY told her came to NEW YORK. What surprised JERUSHA was that JEVIE was her DEDDT-LONG-LEGS. Finally they went on their love.


It’s a lovely story. Somebody said it’s a fairy tale for adults, I agree this view. It’s a really simple love story, nothing about money and authority, without any lust just about love. It is difficult to find such a love in our real life. On the other hand, the personality about JERUSHA also attracted me. She is so honest and natural, she can tell anything to DEDDY, she never worried that DEDDY may get angry. After reading this story, I really admire JERUSHA. Though she had a hard childhood. After all, she found her DEDDY who loved her very much. It’s worth to read.



Not Just a Fairy Tale

--Sentiment after reading Daddy-Long-Legs

Daddy-Long-Legs, a best-known novel by the American writer Jean Webster, was written in the form of epistles, altogether 82 letters from our protagonist – Jerusha “Judy” Abbott. All these letters were written to her benefactor – the so-called “Daddy-Long-Legs” whose true name was Jervie Plendleton. A monthly letter to report her study was the only requirement of the wealthy asylum trustee “Daddy-Long-Legs” to finance orphan Judy’s college life, after he noticed Judy’s writing talent from her essay -- Blue Wednesday.

Dedicated "To You", the first person narrative novel leads readers, myself included, to the illusion that we are actually the receiver of Judy’s letters and the one she regarded as family. When reading the novel, we feel like the witnesses of Judy’s growing in the college. We can’t help worrying when the letters told us her ill or she’s in derision, delighting when she obtained a college scholarship, upsetting when she had to deny the genuine love of Jervie. Take it one step further; the reading process is like peeking at a girl’s diary, inducing a subtle excitement inside readers. Meanwhile, we are able to puzzle out, more or less, whom Daddy-Long-Legs is, but apparently Judy knows nothing about it. It’s a quite amusing and interesting experience to watch her gradually falling into the

well-arranged “love trap” set by Jervie. Ultimately, Judy wrote her last letter in the novel but the first love-letter to her beloved Daddy-Long-Legs – Jervie, which is the end of the novel but a beginning of Judy and Jervie’s new life, a promising one.

Admittedly, it is the romantic and pure love story that brings the novel a reputation of fairy tale for adults, but the theme is not made up of love only. What the growing of Judy reflects is the core of the book.

Brought up at the John Grier Home, an old-fashioned orphanage, Judy encountered quite a few tribulations during college years. Lack of good education resulted in her exposure of ignorance in the class. Judy was ridiculed by classmates because she had no idea about who Michelangelo is and she even never heard of Jane Eyre. Once Judy realized her inadequacy of literature knowledge, which seemed more like a common sense to college students, she made up her mind to enlarge her readings rather than gloomily cry in the dorm. In the following letters, we can see Judy growing more independently. She was fed up with “Jerusha” -- a name randomly picked up in a directory. Therefore, she named herself “Judy”, a brand new and Judy-fashioned name. Such behavior could be considered as her first step of independent consciousness. After that, her trying using scholarship to pay her college fee also proved that

Judy was determined to change the sponsor-recipient relationship. The moment when Judy repaid Daddy-Long-Legs 1000 dollars through selling her own novels announced her completely financial independence. That is the way how Judy treated Daddy-Long-Legs – to be grateful. As for spiritual independence, except for Daddy-Long-Legs, Judy did make two more pen friends, which meant she was not the little girl merely relying on dear Daddy-Long-Legs anymore. Judy got her own network of contacts, Sallie McBride in real life and pen friends in mental world. Also, her view towards John Grier Home transmitted from detest to a more positive attitude. Judy began to realize how lucky she was and to appreciate life itself. The gratitude towards life made her lending a hand to a poor family. Judy, our protagonist, finally became a mature, virtuous and independent lady despite the fact that she was an orphan bought up in tough conditions.

Frankly speaking, there is no young girl in this world but not feel envious of Judy, for she is such a lucky lady who successfully won the love of a charming gentleman. She is another Cinderella indeed! However, I would not feel jealous at all because I know the reason why Jervie fell in love with her is not a coincidence. We have been touched by Judy’s attractive personal character, so has Daddy-Long-Legs. If she were not such an optimistic, independent,

humorous and even self-mocking girl, I doubt whether Daddy-Long-Legs would love her.

While reading, the most pleasant thing for me is to observe the world through Judy’s view. I have to say it is reasonable that Judy is said to have talents in writing. Her lively words lighten up my dark mood after studying a long day; her clumsy paintings always make me laugh; her unique perspectives inspire me in many ways; her courage teaches me a lesson how to return in songs when the world has kissed her soul with its pain.

It is a book worth reading and even re-reading, especially suitable for bedtime reading. Try not to only focus on the love story in the novel. The essence to have true love is to better ourselves before we meet our Mr. Right or Miss Right. Therefore, when encountering that him or her, you are able to show your best self. Personal growing, especially the female growing, is what Daddy-Long-Legs wants to share with us.


三年级(1) 叶日那尔





三年级(2) 胡奴多孜

当我看到这本书的时候,我被书里面奇怪的形式吸引住了,一开始我以为是怪事的开头,原来是文中小姑娘写的一篇作文,名叫《忧郁的星期三》,后来有人帮助她上学,要求她每个月写几封信给他,后来她就开始写信了,我从来没有读过这样的书。后来我查找资料,最后一无所获。渐渐的我知道了,假如这样写,就是把生活缩短了,让我们知道他生活中的有趣的故事,还让我们知道了写信的方法,如何在信中缩短内容,从复杂到简练,从而清楚地知道他生活中的事,通过这种写法,让这本书变成一位老师,叫我们明白某些东西。 因此, 我觉得,每个人读书都会有不同的想法和感受,从中我还要提醒大家“读书要用心去读。”


三年级(1) 吐尼克


许多故事在吹牛的同时,却又符合人们的心里逻辑,让人留恋往返。 许多异想天开、荒诞离奇的故事带着我来到了很多有趣的地方。每一次我读的时候,脑海里就会出现书里面讲到的情景,仿佛真的身临其境。比如读到“我”在打猎的时候,一只让我用木钉钉住尾巴急于逃窜的狐狸,竟然褪掉自己那一身光滑柔软美丽的外衣——皮毛,光溜溜的仓惶逃命。眼前仿佛真的就有那么一只狡猾的狐狸,在猎人嘲弄的目光中急急逃命。长腿叔叔读后感300字。




三年级(2) 艾萨丽


其中我最喜欢看《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》,这里面有弟弟阿里巴巴和哥哥卡西姆,哥哥卡西姆有钱,弟弟阿里巴巴穷苦,后来阿里巴巴无意中从强盗那学来强盗洞里的咒语,后来他从洞里拿来强盗偷来的金银珠宝,强盗想杀死偷金银珠宝的那个人,后来强盗终于找到阿里巴巴的家,四十大盗扮成商人来到阿里巴巴的家,准备在晚上动手杀死阿里巴巴,多亏阿里巴巴的女仆马尔基娜及时发现他们的阴谋,阿里巴巴才躲过一劫,但是不久强盗又来了,他准备刺杀阿里巴巴,结果强盗还没来得及下手就被马尔基娜杀死了。“你怎么乱杀人” 阿里巴巴大骂,马尔基娜说:“你现在还不知道他是坏蛋。”说完从强盗衣袖里拿来一把刀,阿里巴巴这才相信,后来他把马尔基娜嫁给了他的侄子。从此他们过上了幸福的生活。







